Bridge Corporation Bridge Corporation Providing Intelligent Solutions

SIM-Cards with Biometrics and Extra Security

Security matters and citizens monitoring lead States to broaden their spectrum of activities and the range of their regulations. With the birth and fast pace increasing consolidation of cyber-hacking and E-terrorism as well as threats to privacy, “Know Your Customer-KYC” policies are almost unanimously undertaken by mobile operators and other SIM-Cards agencies the world across.

BRIDGE CORPORATION provides forgery-proof solutions to meet-up with these Security requirements. We combine Mobile SIM Cards with biometric and electronic identification. Not only can customers be checked and verification of their identity can be made through the use of our AFIS and other ABIS software and system but also, we offer our clients a fine set of hardware including Smart card reader, ten and rolled prints scanners as well as advanced database architecture.

Our range of services goes from the very set-up to Encoding into the system with due consideration of change in design of the same. Always faithful to our customer care policy of tailoring our solutions to meet specific needs of clients, we offer best possibilities of detecting and checking attempts of fake and multiple registrations on a virtually unlimited database.

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